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Treasure of Masdevallia, Volume 25
Treasure of Masdevallia, Volume 25
Our Price: $50.00
ISBN: 9780915279999


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)
In the same format as all 24 preceding fascicles, 20 as "Thesaurus Masdevalliarum," and the last four as "A Treasure of Masdevallia," 15 species are presented with a full-color, watercolor painting in natural size by Stig Dalström. A page with description and discussion in both English and German faces the painting, and citation of specimens, a distribution map, and at least one black and white illustration occupy the reverse. The German translations are by Fritz Hamer, author of the "Orchids of El Salvador" and "Orchids of Nicaragua". With volume 25, a total of 375 species will have been treated.
Publication Information
  • Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
    Publication Date: 2000
    ISBN: 9780915279999
    Format: Softcover