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Palms, Sentinels for Amazon Conservation
Palms, Sentinels for Amazon Conservation
Our Price: $35.00
ISBN: 9789972297403


The Amazon is a land of palm abundance. Palms are the cornerstones of many environments in the Amazon, especially in wetlands, and are intricately woven into the cultural fabric of both rural and urban peoples. Wetland palms, especially açaí in Brazil and aguaje in Peru, supply the most-prized fruits in the Amazon for fruits and ice creams. These two species, and many more from wetlands, are discussed in detail in regard to their ecology, importance to people and animals, and conservation. The book is written for a general audience and illustrated with more than 300 beautiful color photographs.  In English.
Publication Information
  • Publisher: Amazon Conservation Association and Missouri Botanical Garden Press
    Authors: Michael Goulding and Nigel Smith
    Publication Date: 2007
    ISBN: 9789972297403
    Format: Softcover
    Pages: 356
    Illustrated: Yes