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Flora of Pakistan, No. 204, Chenopodiaceae
Flora of Pakistan, No. 204, Chenopodiaceae
Our Price: $12.00
ISBN: 9781930723108


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)

The family Chenopodiaceae is represented in Pakistan by 35 genera and c. 106 species. Treatment of larger genera were contributed by specialists as follows: Salsola, Suaeda (H. Freitag); Halothamnus (G. Kothe-Heinrich); and Chenopodium (P. Uotila). Thirty-two botanical illustrations (B&W line art) and a grid system map to the districts of Pakistan are included.

Publication Information
  • Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden and the University of Ka
    Publication Date: 2001
    ISBN: 9781930723108
    Format: Hardcover
    Pages: 217
    Illustrated: Yes