Professor Lowry, in collaboration with his son, as updated
and expanded his classic Weather and Life, which first appeared in 1967. This first of two volumes provides a sound introduction to the physical processes underlying the interactions between organisms and their atmospheric environment
William Reifsnyder, Professor of Forest Meteorology
Yale University
Fundamentals uses a strong physical science approach. The
basic processes of radiative transfer, heat transfer, atmospheric stability, and atmospheric turbulence are expertly handled both qualitatively and quantitatively. My students report that, compared with similar texts. Fundamentals is more clearly developed, and the figures and tables more easily understood and pertinent to the topics.
Michael McCorcle, Professor of Climatology and Meteorology, Iowa State
The real strength of Fundamentals of Biometeorology lies
in its adherence to a process-oriented approach. In an informal, conversational style the authors stress process throughout and no significant topic has been neglected.