The Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, published quarterly since 1914, contains peer-reviewed papers primarily devoted to systematic botany and evolution. The Annals reflect the global mission of the Garden, with contributing authors from the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australasia.
A Global Partnership for Plant Conservation---Supporting the Worldwide Implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
***Report of the Second Conference and General Meeting of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation. Peter Wyse Jackson
***Supporting Target 4 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation by Integrating Ecological Restoration into the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Conservation Program in Madagascar. Chris Birkinshaw, Porter P. Lowry II, Jeannie Raharimampionona & James Aronson
***Building Capacity for the Achievement of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in the Caribbean Region. Colin Clubbe
***From Checklists to an e-Flora for Southern Africa: Past Experiences and Future Prospects for Meeting Target 1 of the 2020 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Neil R. Crouch, Gideon F. Smith & Estrela Figueiredo
***Achieving Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Lessons Learned from the North American Collections Assessment. Abby Hird & Andrea T. Kramer
***International Trade in Endangered Plant Species in the Context of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Michael Kiehn & Hesiquio Benítez-Díaz
***Applying Lessons from the U.S. Botanical Capacity Assessment Project to Achieve 2020 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Targets. Andrea T. Kramer, Barbara Zorn-Arnold & Kayri Havens
***The Status and Future of Orchid Conservation in North America. Gary A. Krupnick, Melissa K. McCormick, Thomas Mirenda & Dennis F. Whigham
***Toward Target 2 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: An Expert Analysis of the Puerto Rican Flora to Validate New Streamlined Methods for Assessing Conservation Status. James S. Miller, Gary A. Krupnick, Hannah Stevens, Holly Porter-Morgan, Brian Boom, Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez, James Ackerman, Duane Kolterman, Eugenio Santiago, Christian Torres & Jeanine Velez
***From Working List to Online Flora of All Known Plants---Looking Forward with Hindsight. Alan J. Paton
***In Vitro Methods and the Challenge of Exceptional Species for Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Valerie C. Pence
***Lessons from the Conservation Assessment of the South African Megaflora. Domitilla C. Raimondo, Lize von Staden & John S. Donaldson
***A Network Approach to Plant Conservation in New Zealand. John Sawyer
***Toward the Implementation of Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Targets 1 to 3 in Hawai‘i. Chipper Wichman & Margaret Clark
Taxonomic Revision of the Neotropical Species of Elaphoglossum sect. Squamipedia (Dryopteridaceae). Alejandra Vasco, John T. Mickel & Robbin C. Moran