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An Unexpected Ecosystem: The Amazon as Revealed by Fisheries
An Unexpected Ecosystem: The Amazon as Revealed by Fisheries
Our Price: $35.00
ISBN: 9789972291241


The Amazon has the richest freshwater fish fauna in the world, and its evolution is closely linked to the rainforest and the vast floating meadows of the floodplains. Fisheries illustrate the urgent need to look at the Amazon rainforest and its rivers as an ecosystem in view of current environmental changes.  Proper management of the fisheries requires protecting flooded forests, floating meadows, headwater spawning areas, and other critical habitats. With over 200 color photos and illustrations, this book richly illustrates how the fishes and fisheries are part of the river-and-rainforest ecosystem and what needs to be done for their conservation.  In English.
Publication Information
  • Publisher: Amazon Conservation Association, MBG Press
    Authors: Ronaldo Barthem and Michael Goulding
    Publication Date: 2007
    ISBN: 9789972291241
    Format: Softcover
    Pages: 241
    Illustrated: Yes