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Flora of China, Volume 1: Introduction
Flora of China, Volume 1: Introduction
Our Price: $75.00
ISBN: 9781935641902


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)

This final text volume of the Flora of China is an introduction to the series and begins with a history of the project written by co-chair Peter H. Raven and vice co-chair Hong Deyuan. The contents include statistics from the Flora, information on the contributors, nomenclatural novelties published in the text volumes, and a list of new Chinese taxa published after the volumes appeared. Also, comparisons of classifications in the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, the Flora of China, and Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III are provided for readers, with supplementary tables sorted by scientific and Chinese names. The volume concludes with indices to scientific, Chinese, and pinyin names of families and of subfamilies, tribes, subdivisions of tribes, and genera in the text volumes of the Flora of China.

Publication Information
  • Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden Press and Science Press (Beijing)
    Publication Date: 2013
    ISBN: 9781935641902
    Format: Hardcover
    Pages: 272
    Illustrated: No