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Moss Flora of Central America, Part 4: Fabroniaceae–Polytrichaceae
Moss Flora of Central America, Part 4: Fabroniaceae–Polytrichaceae

"This is unquestionably a very valuable and useful flora. Among its best assets are the long, versatile discussions . . . They make very enjoyable and rewarding reading. Another great feature is the detailed and therefore very useful species descriptions, supported by informative line drawings. The generic descriptions and keys refer to the genera as a whole rather than just in the Flora area, which further extends the usability of this volume."
—Dr. Johannes Enroth, The Bryological Times

Our Price: $165.00
ISBN: 9781935641148


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)
Central America is a small region (three-fourths the size of Texas) with one of the most diverse moss floras of any area of the world. The mosses of Central America are not especially endemic, but rather represent an eclectic moss flora produced by the pronounced vertical relief of the region and its close physical position to three species-source areas: South America, North America, and the Caribbean. In addition, many species from Africa and Southeast Asia are found in the region. Central America as here delimited is political; it includes all parts of Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

The Moss Flora of Central America is a four-part, revisionary flora. This volume gives keys, descriptions, and discussions for 208 of the 968 moss species. In addition, for each species precise type information is provided; distribution within Central America is documented by the examination of specimens; world distribution is indicated; habitat notes based on personal field experience or taken from collection labels are provided; and a list of previously published illustrations is given.
Publication Information
  • Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
    Publication Date: 2018
    ISBN: 9781935641148
    Format: Hardcover
    Pages: 840
    Illustrated: Yes

Moss Flora of Central America, Part 2: Encalyptaceae–Orthotrichaceae Moss Flora of Central America, Part 3: Anomodontaceae–Symphyodontaceae
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Our Price: $88.00
Moss Flora of Central America, Part 2: Encalyptaceae–Orthotrichaceae Moss Flora of Central America, Part 3: Anomodontaceae–Symphyodontaceae